Fertile eggs for incubator -Huevos fértiles para incubadora-Oeufs fertiles pour incubateur-بيض مخصب للحاضنة –
Плодородни яйца за инкубатор
– 孵化器的受精卵- Fertile æg til rugemaskine-Viljakad munad inkubaatorisse-Γόνιμα αυγά για θερμοκοιτίδα -Auglīgas olas inkubatoram-Vaisingi kiaušiniai inkubatoriui-Fertile egg for rugemaskin- Huevos fértiles -Bevruchte eieren voor incubator-Jaja płodne do inkubatora-Ouă fertile pentru incubator- Fruchtbare Eier -Ovos férteis para incubadora-Оплодотворенные яйца для инкубатора-Plodna jajca za inkubator- Plodna jajca -Fertila ägg för inkubator— Pодючі яйця -Termékeny tojások inkubátorba— Ovos férteis de canards, oies et poules -Hatching eggs of ducks, geese and poultry — de patos, gansos y gallinas — von Enten, Gänsen und Hühnern —
Nos prix: — our prizes: — unsere preise: — nuestros premios: — nossos prêmios: — наші призи: — naše nagrade: —
We are Italian breeders of ducks, hens and geese. It is possible to visit and buy adult couples at our farm located in Central Italy (Forlì) by appointment (info@avicoliornamentali.it).
We have been selling fertile eggs of our breeds across Europe for over 10 years. We have established loyal customers in Portugal, Spain, Germany, Estonia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Slovenia and France.
We send eggs every Monday morning by express courier. The eggs we send you will be laid a maximum of 5 days before. We start shipping in March and end in June.
To get the price of the shipment just provide your zip code.
We guarantee the intact arrival of all eggs.
For an estimate please contact us at info@avicoliornamentali.it